It Flies By

July is one of those months that always goes by so quickly that I can hardly recall it.  By the time it comes around, I can hardly believe that over half of the year has gone by.  It seems strange, because I've just gotten used to writing 2013 as the date, and now we've finished more of the year than we have left.

But until it is finished, I still have plenty I want to do!  Recently I've been:

Testing out cupcakes.  I think it's optimal to have the cake and frosting be a little drier so it can maintain structural integrity.  This one is from a local cupcake shop, but we also tried the grocery store kind for comparison.

Taking pictures from the car.  Some part of Boston that I think is near the Museum of Science?  It was a lovely overcast day as we drove through it on our way home.  (These top two photos were taken with my phone and edited with Pic-Tap-Go, my favorite app.  It's by the people who make the Totally Rad Actions I use for Photoshop.)

Working at my messy desk.  I've been inspired to do a lot of illustrating/drawing lately.  I find that's the case when I'm not shooting as much.

Though the year is half over, I feel like I've just begun.


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